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Main Service Areas

Port Health Division

The Port Health Division enforces relevant provisions of the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance and the International Health Regulations at the seaport, Hong Kong International Airport and land boundary control points of Hong Kong so as to prevent infectious diseases from being introduced into or carried away from the territory.

Services include :

1. Air, sea and land boundary control points : implement port health measures and conduct quarantine clearance at air, sea and land boundary control points, for example, conduct routine temperature screening for inbound travellers and set up health posts to conduct health assessment for suspected infectious cases and provide medical assistance for travellers in need, monitor hygiene condition of boundary control points.

2. At the seaport : pre-arrival health clearance of incoming vessels in the form of free pratique, health clearance through inspection at the quarantine anchorages, radio medical advices to ships at high seas, issue of Ship Sanitation Control Certificate and Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate.

[Application Forms]
Health clearance for incoming vessels

3. At the Airport : surveillance of the food catering services provided for airlines, monitoring of hygiene and sanitation standard within the Airport, and inspection of incoming aircrafts for mosquito control and sanitation condition.

[Technical Guidelines on Aircraft Disinsection for Flights into Hong Kong]

4. Travel health : provides travel health services by setting up of two Travel Health Centres (where individualised pre-travel health assessments, advice, necessary vaccination and preventive medications are offered to outbound travellers) and maintaining a travel health website providing updated travel health information for travellers, including global disease outbreak news, health advices for diseases prevention. (For travel health information, please visit our Travel Health Service Website).

Yellow Fever Vaccine

5. Permits : issue of import permits for human corpse, infectious agents, biological materials containing / suspected to be containing infectious agents, and issue of cremation permits.

[Application Forms]

5 Dec 2024