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Publications and Access to Information

List of Publications, Pamphlets and Other Information Materials

Table of Contents

Administration / General Information

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Department of Health Annual Report CD-ROM
CD-ROM - $15
Tables on Health Status and Health Services Webpage (PDF)
Department of Health Environmental Report Webpage (PDF)
Hong Kong Fact Sheet on Department of Health This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Department of Health 30th Anniversary Publication - A 30 Years’ Journey of Building a Healthy Community High resolution version (283MB)
Webpage (PDF)
Easy-download version (normal resolution) (42MB)
Webpage (PDF)

Boards and Councils Office

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
List of registrants for healthcare professionals:
- Chiropractors This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Dentists This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Medical Laboratory Technologists This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Medical Practitioners This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Midwives This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Nurses This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Occupational Therapists This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Optometrists This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Pharmacists This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Physiotherapists This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Radiographers This link will open in a new windowWebpage

This link will open in a new windowCentre for Health Protection
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

  • Emergency Response and Programme Management Branch
Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Centre for Health Protection Strategic Plan 2010 - 2014 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
CHP Strategic Plan on Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases 2007-2009 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Preparedness Plan for Influenza Pandemic 2012 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Information Kit for Health Care Workers This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
CHP Objectives and Strategies 2004-2006 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
CHP Newsletters This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
  • Infection Control Branch
Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Fact sheets / guidelines / training materials on infectious disease and infection control This link will open in a new windowWebpage
  • Public Health Laboratory Services Branch
Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Guide to requests for laboratory testing and other guidelines (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Types of Pathological examination and gazetted prices of laboratory tests Webpage
  • Public Health Services Branch
    • Social Hygiene Service
Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Information on sexually transmitted infections: Pamphlets Free distribution
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Why is STIs important?
- Sexual Health
- Syphilis
- Gonorrhoea / Non-gonnococcal Urethritis (male) / Non-specific Genital Infection (female)
- Genital Herpes
- Genital Wart / Trichomoniasis / Pubic Lice
Information on dermatological disease: Pamphlets Free distribution
- Basic techniques on skin care
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Corns
- Warts
- Tinea Infection
Lists of clinics and health centres: Webpage
- Dermatological Clinics
- Integrated Treatment Centre (Social Hygiene Service)
- Social Hygiene Clinics (Female)
- Social Hygiene Clinics (Male)
Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Information on HIV / AIDS: Pamphlets
(The majority of the pamphlets are available in Traditional Chinese and English versions. Some are also available on other languages, such as Simplified Chinese, Thai, Hindu, Urdu, Japanese, Tagalog and Bengali)
Free distribution
- General information on HIV / AIDS
- HIV Test
- Safer sex and prevention of HIV infection
- Harm reduction and prevention of HIV infection in drug users
- Antenatal HIV Testing
- Management of Needlestick Injuries or Mucosal Contacts of Blood and Body Fluids
Information on HIV / AIDS, including HIV testing services This link will open in a new windowWebsite
Community events on HIV prevention and care This link will open in a new windowWebpage (excel)
HIV / AIDS - latest statistics in Hong Kong This link will open in a new windowWebsite
Information on Hepatitis Pamphlet / poster
This link will open in a new windowWebsite
Free distribution
Information on Integrated Treatment Centre (Special Preventive Programme) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Description of Information
(C) - Chinese version only
Format Availability and
charge, if any
TB and Chest Service Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Annual Report - Tuberculosis and Chest Service (from 1991 onwards) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Address and Enquiry Tel. No. of Chest Clinics This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Tuberculosis (C) Leaflet Free distribution
Prevention of Tuberculosis Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Treatment and Prevention of TB - Residential Homes (C) Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Guidelines on prevention and management of TB in elderly homes / workshop for the handicapped Leaflet Free distribution
Guidelines on prevention and management of TB in nurseries / kindergartens Leaflet Free distribution
Guidelines on prevention and management of TB in office settings Leaflet Free distribution
Guidelines on prevention and management of TB in schools Leaflet Free distribution
Guidance Notes on Hospital Admission for Tuberculosis and Chest Service Leaflet Free distribution upon hospitalization
Information for Patient on Anti-TB Drug Treatment Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
BCG Vaccination (C) Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Tuberculosis - Statistical Data in Hong Kong This link will open in a new windowWebpage
  • Non-communicable Disease Branch
Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Avian Influenza Report This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Report of Behavioural Risk Factor Survey This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Cancer (Information for Health Professionals) :
- Recommendations of Cancer Expert Working Group on Cancer Prevention and Screening - An Overview (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Cervical Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Colorectal Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Breast Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Prostate Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Lung Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Liver Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Nasopharyngeal Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Thyroid Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Ovarian Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Pancreatic Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Prevention and Screening for Stomach Cancer (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)

Cancer (Leaflets) :

- Health Information on Cancer Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Breast Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Prostate Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Lung Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Liver Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Nasopharyngeal Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Thyroid Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Ovarian Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Pancreatic Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Stomach Cancer Prevention and Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Cancer [Summary Tables of Cancer Expert Working Group on Cancer Prevention and Screening (CEWG) Recommendations]
- Summary of CEWG Recommendations on Cancer Screening This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Recommendations on Colorectal, Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening by the CEWG This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Communicable Diseases Watch (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Community Health Partnership Communication This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Flu Express This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Guidelines for Health This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Health Topics :
- Communicable Diseases This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Non-communicable Diseases This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Non-Communicable Diseases Watch This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Poisoning Watch This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Health Survey and Report This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Population Health Survey 2020-22 This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Iodine Survey This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Unintentional Injury Survey 2018 This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Hong Kong Drowning Report This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Health Behaviour Survey 2018/19 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Population Health Survey 2014/15 This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Population Health Survey 2003 / 2004 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Heart Health Survey 2004 / 2005 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Medical Checkup 2008 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Child Health Survey 2005/2006 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
- Injury Survey 2008 This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Public Health and Epidemiology Bulletin (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Recommendations for General Public This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Topical Health Report:
- Prevention and Screening of Cervical Cancer
Viral Hepatitis:
- Surveillance of Viral Hepatitis in Hong Kong (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
  • Health Promotion Branch
Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
in printed format Booklets / pamphlets / posters Free distribution
for loan-out service VCD / DVD / exhibition board Free
for sale VCD / DVD VCD $14 / DVD $20
Detailed lists of This link will open in a new windowe-Resources are available on the website of Centre for Health Protection.

Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office
(Please also visit the websites of theThis link will open in a new window Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office and This link will open in a new windowThe Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong for more information)

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Health Education Topics: Pamphlet / exhibition board /
feature article / publication / video and audio
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution of some health education materials
- Health Maintenance from Chinese Medicine Perspective
- More about Chinese Medicine Consultation and Treatments
- Notes for Purchasing Chinese Medicines
- Proper Handling of Chinese Medicines
- Advice on Use of Chinese Medicines
- Explore Chinese Medicines
(Some materials are only available in Chinese)
Interesting Chinese Herbs 1 and 2 (Chinese version only) Publication
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards Volume 1-10 Publication
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
For purchase of Publication,
please contact Information Services Department at 2537 1910
Information of Import and Export Control of Chinese Medicines: Booklet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
- Guidelines for Application for Import/Export Licence of Proprietary Chinese Medicine
- Guidelines for Application for Import/Export Licence of Chinese Herbal Medicines
(applicable only for wholesalers in Chinese herbal medicines and manufacturers in proprietary Chinese medicines)
Hong Kong Good Manufacturing Practice Guidelines for Proprietary Chinese Medicines Booklet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Application for Certificate for Manufacturer (GMP Certificate) Pamphlet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution

Dental Services

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
School Dental Care Service Pamphlet
This link will open in a new windowWebsite
Free distribution
List of Dental Clinics with General Public Sessions (for pain relief and extraction only) Pamphlet
Free distribution
About Oral Health:
- Education Materials Exhibit / VCD / activity sheet / model / games On loan (free) to schools and organisations
- Information on Oral Health Pamphlets / VCD / booklets / posters Available for free at the clinics and Oral Health Education Division
- Tooth Club This link will open in a new windowWebsite
Oral Health Survey 2011 Report This link will open in a new windowWebpage

This link will open in a new windowDrug Office
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

Description of Information
(E) - English version only
Format Availability and
charge, if any
Application for registration of pharmaceutical products and licensing of wholesalers, importers, manufacturers and retailers of pharmaceutical products Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Guidelines for applicants for the various licences and registration certificates Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Instructions for holders of the various licences and registration certificates Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
List of registered pharmaceutical products (E) Compact disc
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Drug information Leaflet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
List of Authorised Sellers of Poisons (Dispensaries) (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
List of Licensed Wholesalers of Poisons (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
List of Registered Importers and Exporters of Pharmaceutical Products (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage

This link will open in a new windowElderly Health Service
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

Description of Information
(C) - Chinese version only
Format Availability and
charge, if any
Elderly health educational materials and other general information materials (C) Booklets Free distribution
Elderly health educational VCDs VCD $14 per copy
Elderly health messages and tips (C) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
"Healthy Ageing" Campaign Resource Book (C) This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Resource Book on Psychosocial Health Promotion in the Elderly (C) Book $28 per copy
Elderly Health Service Newsletter (C) Newsletter
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
List of Elderly Health Centres Webpage

This link will open in a new windowFamily Health Service
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

Description of Information
(E) - English version only
Format Availability and
charge, if any
Instruction to clients Pamphlet / leaflet Free distribution
Information on clinic service:

- Session
- Clinic hours
- Health Education Programme

Pamphlets / clinic timetable / notices Free distribution
Centre details This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Registration procedures (e.g. documents required) Leaflet Free distribution
Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme Printed on Child Health Record
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Breastfeeding Policy This link will open in a new windowWebpage
A wide range of Information on Child Health and Woman Health Topics Pamphlets / leaflets
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Audio-visual Resources This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Family Health Service Publications and Reports (E) This link will open in a new windowWebpage

Forensic Pathology Service

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Information for identifiers Leaflet Free distribution
Report of the Independent Committee on Public Mortuary Incident - Executive Summary Webpage (PDF)

This link will open in a new windowMedical Device Division
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Guidance notes for the Medical Device Administrative Control System This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Technical References This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Code of Practice This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Education materials and useful information for general public This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Education materials and useful information for traders This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Education materials and useful information for healthcare professionals This link will open in a new windowWebpage

Narcotics and Drug Administration Division

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Information on methadone clinics Leaflet
Free distribution
Are you an opiate addict? If so, Methadone can help you Leaflet Free distribution
Stop taking Heroin. Rejuvenate yourself with new lifestyles and methadone! Leaflet Free distribution

Office for Regulation of Private Healthcare Facilities

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
List of Licensed Private Healthcare Facilities Webpage
Codes of Practice for Private Healthcare Facilities Webpage
Licence Application for Private Healthcare Facilities Webpage
List of Clinics registered under the Medical Clinics Ordinance (Chapter 343) Webpage

Port Health Division

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Information leaflet on Port Health Office Leaflet Free distribution
Guidelines for Application for Import and Transshipment of Human Remains Leaflet Free distribution
Travel Health:
- Education Materials Leaflets / pamphlets Free distribution
- Travel Health Service This link will open in a new windowWebsite
- List of Travel Health Centres Webpage

This link will open in a new windowPrimary Care Office
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
For Healthcare Professionals
- Hong Kong Reference Framework for Diabetes Care for Adults in Primary Care Settings This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Hong Kong Reference Framework for Hypertension Care for Adults in Primary Care Settings This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Hong Kong Reference Framework for Preventive Care for Children in Primary Care Settings This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Hong Kong Reference Framework for Preventive Care for Older Adults in Primary Care Settings This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Posters This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Primary Care Development in Hong Kong: Strategy Document This link will open in a new windowWebpage
For Public
- Posters This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Leaflets/Booklets This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Feature Articles This link will open in a new windowWebpage

Professional Development and Quality Assurance Service

Description of Information
(C) - Chinese version only
Format Availability and
charge, if any
Services provided (C) Leaflet Free distribution
Health education materials Pamphlets Free distribution
What is Family Medicine (C) Video Shown at clinics
Guide for making appointments at Families Clinics (C) Leaflet Free distribution
Information on Education and Training Centre in Family Medicine Webpage
The 30th Anniversary of Professional Development and Quality Assurance Service Commemorative Album Publication

Public Health Nursing Division

Description of Information
(C) - Chinese version only
Format Availability and
charge, if any
The 65th Anniversary of Hong Kong Public Health Nursing Commemorative Album (1954 - 2019) (Chinese version only) Publication
This link will open in a new window Webpage (PDF)

This link will open in a new windowRadiation Health Division
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Guidance Notes on Radiation Protection for Diagnostic Radiology Pamphlet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Free distribution
Safe Handling of Radioactive Consignments Pamphlet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Free distribution
Techniques to reduce the Radiation Hazards from using Phosphorus-32 Pamphlet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Free distribution
Guidance Notes on Radiation Protection for Dental Radiology Pamphlet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Free distribution
Ionising Radiation Pamphlet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage (PDF)
Free distribution
Understanding Radiation Pamphlet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
User Guide for Radiation Health Unit Enquiry Hotline 2886 1551 Leaflet Free distribution

This link will open in a new windowStudent Health Service
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
General Information on Student Health Service Leaflet Free distribution
Information on Student Health Service Centre / Special Assessment Centre This link will open in a new windowWebpage
A wide range of information on student health Leaflets / pamphlets
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Student Health Service Newsletter Newsletter
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution to all secondary schools and primary schools in Hong Kong

This link will open in a new window Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office
(Please also visit the above website for more information)

Description of Information Format Availability and
charge, if any
Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office This link will open in a new windowWebpage Free distribution
Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance - New Designated No Smoking Area Guide This link will open in a new windowWebpage Free distribution
Guidelines for management of statutory no smoking areas Booklets Free distribution
- Restaurants This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- Workplace This link will open in a new windowWebpage
- School This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Smoking Cessation Information Kit (Health Care Professionals) Booklet
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Tobacco Control Bulletin Bulletin
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Health messages, health education materials and order forms Leaflets / posters / booklets / signs and gadgets
This link will open in a new windowWebpage
Free distribution
Smoking cessation hotline 1833 183 Hotline managed by counsellors Free of charge
Information on smoking cessation services This link will open in a new windowWebpage Free distribution
11 Jul 2024