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Press Release

Importance of hand hygiene underlined

1 Dec 2009

In preparation for the second wave of Human Swine Influenza, the Department of Health's Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has again stressed to schools the importance of hand hygiene.

In a letter to schools, the CHP urged teachers to encourage and supervise students to keep their hands clean as a fundamental and effective way to reduce transmission of influenza.

Hand hygiene means either washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rubs to clean hands when hands are not visibly soiled, the CHP letter said.

Hand hygiene should be ensured:

- before touching eyes, nose and mouth
- after blowing nose, coughing or sneezing
- before eating or handling food
- after using the toilet
- after touching contaminated objects or environments
- before and after treating a cut or wound

Apart from hand hygiene, schools are also reminded to take the following measures in anticipation of the winter surge of influenza:

- maintain good indoor ventilation
- enhance environment cleansing and disinfect with 1 in 99 diluted household bleach or use 70 per cent alcohol for metallic surfaces
- support students in adopting good personal hygiene, for example, proper hand hygiene and maintain cough etiquette
- encourage students to build up good body immunity by having a proper diet, regular exercise and adequate rest and reducing stress
- advise students who develop flu-like symptoms at school to wear face masks and consult the doctor promptly

The CHP will conduct health talks for schools later this month on the prevention and control of seasonal influenza, human swine influenza and hand, foot and mouth disease.

Latest information and health education material are available from the CHP website at .

01 December 2009