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Press Release

Public urged to take precautions against heat stroke and sunburn

24 Jun 2009

In anticipation of hot weather in the coming few days, the Department of Health reminded members of the public, particularly those engaging in outdoor activities, to take measures to prevent heat stroke and sunburn.

The Assistant Director of Health (Health Promotion), Dr Regina Ching, today (June 24) said members of the public should make sure that they bring and drink plenty of water to prevent water loss from sweating while engaged in outdoor activities.

She said that persons engaging in strenuous outdoor activities should avoid beverages containing caffeine (such as coffee and tea) and alcohol, since these will speed up water loss from the body through the urinary system.

"Particular attention should be paid to children, the elderly, the sick (including those with heart disease and high blood pressure) and obese persons who are more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses," Dr Ching said.

When going outdoors, consider the following protective measures:

* Wear light-coloured loose clothing to reduce heat absorption and allow sweat evaporation and heat dissipation.
* Do not engage in prolonged activities such as hiking or trekking under extremely hot weather, as the heat, sweating and exhaustion place additional demands on one's physique.
* Choose to do outdoor activities in the morning or late afternoon.
* Re-schedule your work to cooler times of the day. If you must work in a hot environment, introduce shading in the work areas where practicable, then start slowly and pick up the pace gradually. Get into a cool area for a rest every now and then to let your body recuperate.
* Take heed of the measured and forecast UV index released by the Hong Kong Observatory. When the UV index is high (6 or above), the public should consider wearing long sleeved clothing made from close woven fabric, or a wide-brimmed hat, or using an umbrella, seeking shade, putting on UV blocking sun-glasses and applying sunscreen with a protection factor of 15 or above. The above precautions should be reinforced for higher levels of the UV index.
* Swimmers and those taking part in outdoor activities should re-apply sunscreen lotion frequently.
* If you choose to do exercise indoors, make sure that indoor ventilation is adequate.

Dr Ching said that any person feeling unwell should stop immediately and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Members of the public seeking more information on the prevention of heat stroke and protection against UV radiation can call the DH's Central Health Education Unit Hotline at 2833 0111. Information can also be obtained from the DH's health educational homepage at .

24 June 2009