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Press Release

Memorandum on hosting WHO's Regional Committee Meeting signed

4 Mar 2009

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the World Health Organization (WHO) today (March 4) signed a Memorandum of Administrative Arrangements for the 60th session of WHO's Regional Committee for the Western Pacific, which is to be held in Hong Kong later this year.

The memorandum was signed by the Director of Health, Dr P Y Lam, and WHO's Regional Director for the Western Pacific, Dr Shin Young-soo. Also attending the signing was Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow.

Dr Lam said Hong Kong was honoured to be the host city for the third time of the Regional Committee. Hong Kong hosted sessions in 1957 and 1992.

"The session, which will be held from September 21 to 25, will be an arena where health officials from 37 countries and areas of the Western Pacific Region will discuss health issues, address specific public health needs, formulate policies and recommend measures to resolve health problems in the region," Dr Lam said..

"With about six months to go, we will be in full swing with the preparatory work and have the confidence to make the meeting a fruitful event”.

Hong Kong has been participating in WHO’s Regional Committee meetings on its own, in the name of Hong Kong, China, since 1997.

04 March 2009